PhD Student

Department of Chemistry
University of Rochester

Hutchinson Hall B28
120 Trustee Road
Rochester, New York 14627



B.Sc. Biochemistry, University of Vermont, May 2023


Will began his scientific career as a biochemistry major at the University of Vermont in 2019. Originally aiming for med school, Will diverged from this path due to his love for the physical chemistry course he took. Will began researching under professor Ruggiero the summer of his senior year, and has not thought about biology or med school since. He is interested in low frequency dynamics and how they affect fundamental processes in the solid state. Will is also interested in how external stimuli affect these vibrational modes and how to leverage this knowledge in order to synthesize advanced materials.

Outside of the lab Will loves to stay active skiing, biking, hiking, and even the occasional pickle ball match. When he is not outside, Will loves to experiment in the kitchen with home grown foods.

Awards and Recognitions

  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2024.
